What is CrossFit?

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CrossFit is just a form of functional movement. While it is a worldwide brand that has been around since 2000, the CrossFit Affiliate model provides an excellent framework for entrepreneurs to start a gym and make it their own. While there is a Workout of the Day (WOD) posted daily on crossfit.com, all of the workouts at our gym are programmed by our coaching staff. They are designed and structured for what we feel works best with our membership.

Our classes all begin with a group warm-up and mobility. There is a tremendous focus on getting your body prepared for the work ahead. This will vary day to day based on what we have done for workouts days prior and what we will be doing that day. CrossFit is constantly varied. The Workout of the Day (WOD) could be a 20 minute grinder with several movements, or it could be weightlifting (not for time) such as deadlift along with a short 5 minute workout. Every day is different. We carefully program our WOD's weeks in advance.

The experience we provide cannot be compared to any other gym around. You are not simply granted access to use equipment at a facility. You will become an active participant in a structured and coached program. This program is designed to increase strength and flexibility, improve health and body composition and to challenge you in a variety of ways. Our trainers use their expertise to get you results and educate you on how to be a healthier individual. Because in the end, that’s what we’re all working for.

Do you need to be in shape first? Absolutely not. Our membership spans all ages, body types, fitness goals and more. For example, most of our members start without being able to do any pull-ups. This is where perhaps the important part, the part that we can't truly put into words until you've experienced it, kicks in. That is the Community aspect of Six05. We work together, we push each other. We love to see when people get those pull-ups for the first time and when they can string several kipping pull-ups together. That goes for everything that we do in the box. We have some of the most supportive and positive people that you will ever meet. Most importantly, they are like-minded individuals. They've made the commitment to push their limits, learn new things, and be the fittest individual that they can. That's addictive.

Most importantly, every single movement can be scaled for individuals of all abilities and fitness levels. The pull-ups above are just one example of that. There are several scaling options for pull-ups and each one helps you strengthen towards the next. In every single class there are athletes scaling movements to varying degrees. We’re all working, together, to get better.

Everyone can do CrossFit, but CrossFit isn't for everyone. If you think it may be for you, we'd love to have you join us.